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Based on your information, here are your personalized results

Home Affordability
Home Affordability

Here’s your estimate on how much home you could afford.

Monthly Payment
Monthly Payments

Based on your home cost, here’s what your monthly payment could be.

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*Chart calculations are for illustrative purposes only and are subject to change without notice. This is not a Loan Estimate or an advertisement for any loan terms, interest rates, or payment amounts. The calculations, results, or printouts do not constitute a credit decision, a commitment to lend, a prequalification or qualification for any loan or specific loan terms. Calculations assume a minimum credit score of a 740 and minimum down payment required per loan program. Results will vary depending on estimated down payment and loan program and not all consumers will be eligible for all loan products. Homeowners association fees, or similar fees, may apply. Actual costs for taxes and insurance will vary based on factors such as location, coverage, and credit. Conventional loan programs will be subject to MI costs if the down payment is less than 20%.